Chapter 12 - Study Guide

Chapter 12

Launching a Successful Online Business and EC Projects

As you read the textbook and go through this lesson, think about the following questions:
o   How does a business go about justifying the expense of an online component or initiating a business online? 
o   What are some common sources of funding?
o   What are some of the most common e-commerce initiatives that are added to traditional businesses?
o   How can websites be classified via functionality?
o   What are some major web hosting options?
o   What are domain names?
o   What are some of the pitfalls of managing content on the web?
o   What are the components of sound website design?
o   What are components of e-commerce architecture?
o   What are several options for developing an e-commerce website?
o   How does an e-business go about selecting vendors and software to support its business?

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental requirements for initiating an online business.
2. Describe the process of initiating and funding a startup e-business or large e-project.
3. Understand the process of adding EC initiatives to an existing business.
4. Describe the issues and methods of transforming an organization into an e-business.
5. Describe the process of acquiring websites and evaluate building versus hosting options.
6. Understand the importance of providing and managing content and describe how to accomplish this.
7. Evaluate websites on design criteria, such as appearance, navigation, consistency, and performance.
8. Understand how search engine optimization may help a website obtain high placement in search engines.
9. Understand how to provide some support e-services.
10. Understand the process of building a webstore.
11. Know how to build a webstore with templates.

Answers to Pause/Break Section Review Questions

Section 12.1 Review Questions

1. List the major steps in the process of building an online business.

·       Identify a consumer or business need in the marketplace.
·       Investigate the opportunity.
·       Determine the business owner’s ability to meet the need.

2. Describe the formation process of a typical online business.

·       Identify customer or business need.
·       Investigate.
·       Determine ability to meet the need.

3. What special requirements must an online business consider in its formation? In e-business planning?

Online business formation must consider the unique online aspects of the business as well as appropriate products and services.  In e-business planning, the major difference is the understanding of the unique aspects of the Internet and the sales channel.

4. What is a business case and how does it contribute to business success?

Business case – a document that is used to justify the investment of internal, organizational resources in a specific application or project

A business case can help an entrepreneur focus their plans, and gain financial support for them.

5. Describe initial, secondary, and IPO funding options available to a startup.

·       Initial funding is usually from an incubator or an angel investor.
·       Secondary funding is usually from a venture capitalist.
·       An IPO is an initial public offering of stock to the investment community and individual investors at large.

            6. What is an angel investor? An incubator?
·       Angel investor – a wealthy individual who contributes personal funds and possibly expertise at the earliest stage of business development
·       Incubator – a company, university, or nonprofit organization that supports businesses in their initial stages of development

7. How does a VC company support a start-up?

In addition to providing capital, VCs may also provide strategic assistance and connections.

Section 12.2 Review Questions

1. Which EC initiatives are brick-and-mortar organizations most likely to add?

Initiatives include storefronts, portals, e-procurement and auctions.

2. Describe the steps in becoming an e-business and the major activities involved in the process.

The steps are depicted in Exhibit 12.2.  The processes include the evaluation of current abilities, strategy formation, creation of new tools, processes and abilities and the launch and operation of the e-business.

3. List some of the issues involved in transforming to an e-business.

Some example issues may include legacy systems and processes, resistance from staff, costs and time to implement new systems and processes.

4. Define BPR and BPM.

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and business process management (BPM) are two systems to evaluate and improve business activities to create efficiency and increase organizational effectiveness. Business process management (BPM) is a method for business restructuring that combines workflow systems and redesign methods; covers three process categories—people-to-people, systems-to-systems, and systems-to-people interactions.

5. Describe the major characteristics (key points) of organizational transformation.

·       The organization’s ways of thinking and vision will fundamentally change.
·       There will be revolutionary changes to the process and context involved in creating a new organizational vision and rethinking business models and business strategy.
·       The change must involve a substantial break from previous ways of acting. It will likely involve discovering and developing new opportunities and new ways of doing things.
·       The change must permeate through and impact the behavior of a majority of organizational members.
·       The change will involve creating new systems, procedures, and structures that not only enable and dictate how new processes function, but that will also impact the deeply embedded business models and understandings that drive the organization.

Section 12.3 Review Questions

1. Distinguish between informational, interactive, transactional and collaborative Web sites.

Informational Web site – a Web site that does little more than provide information about the business and its products and services
Interactive Web site – a Web site that provides opportunities for the customers and the business to communicate and share information
Transactional Web site – a Web site that sells products or services
Collaborative Web site – a Web site that allows for individuals or groups to collaborate

2. List the six steps in building a Web site.

·       Select a host
·       Register a domain name
·       Create/manage content
·       Design the site
·       Construct and test
·       Market and promote

Section 12.4 Review Questions

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages offered by the different Web hosting options?

Storebuilder services are quick and inexpensive, but generally lack customization and strong branding.  ISP hosted sites can offer customization and strong branding, but may be more expensive and difficult to deploy.

2. What is a mirror site? Why would a company use a mirror site?

A mirror site is an exact duplicate of the original Web site that is hosted at another location.  They are used to create redundancy and balance loads.

3. What criteria should an online business consider in choosing a Web hosting service?

·       Service quality
·       Services offered
·       Price

4. What is a domain name? Why is selecting a domain name an important step for going online?

A domain name is a name-based address that identifies an Internet-connected server.  It is the “address” that potential customers will use to access the site.

5. How are domain names controlled in order to avoid duplication?

Domain names are controlled centrally by ICANN to avoid any duplication.

Section 12.5 Review Questions

1. What is content? Dynamic content? Personalized content?

Content – the text, images, sound and video that make up a Web page
Dynamic content – content that changes rapidly
Personalized Content – Web content that is prepared to match the needs and expectations of the individual visitor

2. How can a business use content for cross selling? For up selling? For promotion?

Content can be used to persuade customers to buy similar or enhanced products.  It can also be used to promote a site or an item for sale.

3. Where does content come from? Identify four sources of Web site content. What is content creation?

Content can be created locally, purchased, or automatically generated.  Student answers will vary on sources of content. Content creation is the development of content material.

4. What is syndication? How does it relate to content?

Syndication is the referral of information.  Content may be freely syndicated from some sites/services, as long as credit is given, or a price may be charged..

5. What e-newsletter content does a subscriber value most?

It varies based on the user and industry.

6. What is the purpose of content management?

It is keeping content fresh, accurate, compelling, and credible.

7. Describe content maximization.

Using content as much as possible to make up for its creation price.

Section 12.6 Review Questions

1. Describe 10 criteria used to judge Web site design.

1. Build it for users (useful for the user, not necessarily the company).
2. Make it useful (e.g. usability test).
3. Make information easy to find.
4. Accommodate all users, including those with disabilities.
5. Build a comprehensive, responsive, and effective site.
6. Measure the site against the best of its peer group.
7. Build trust; be up front about security, privacy, and marketing policies.
8. Assign ownership to users, but work as a team with the technical people.
9. Set priorities; do the most beneficial activities first.
10. Watch for new developments and encourage innovation.

2. Name four site navigation aids.

·       Navigation bar
·       Navigation column
·       Site map
·       Searchable Web site

3. Why is performance a key design criterion? What causes slow performance? What can be done to decrease download time?

Performance affects the amount of time a user may stay on the site.  Slow performance can come from many sources including incorrect code and excessive images/media.  Download time can be decreased by streamlining the code and media used.

4. Describe some issues for proper use of color and graphics on a Web site.

Student responses will vary.  Some example issues may include the use of culturally correct colors to match the product, as well as a blend of colors that enhances readability of the site.  Graphics should complement the site and be quick-loading.

5. What is usability? List the major criteria used to determine usability.

Web site usability is a measure of the ease-of-use of a site by its audience.  Factors involved include:
·       Ease of learning
·       Efficiency of use
·       Memorability
·       Error frequency & severity
·       Subjective satisfaction

Section 12.7 Review Questions

1. List the three options for Web site construction.

·       Internal development
·       External development
·       Partnering

2. What factors favor internal development of a Web site? What factors favor external development?

Internal development provides absolute control while external development can rely on experts.

3. Describe the process required for an online business to accept credit cards over the Internet.

·       Open a merchant account
·       Purchase credit card processing software
·       Integrate the software into the transaction system

4. List four types of Web site content that can promote the Web site internally.

Compelling content
Useful links
Useful features

5. What is search engine optimization? Why is it important?

SEO – the application of strategies intended to position a Web site at the top of Web search engines.  It is important because search engines can be a marketing tool.

6. List ways Web sites can use content to manage customer relationships.

See Exhibit 12.10.

Section 12.8 Review Questions

1. List the various options for acquiring a storefront.

Options include: build from scratch, build from components, build with templates, or use someone else’s storefront.

2. What are the advantages of building with templates?  What are the disadvantages?

Templates tend to be fast and inexpensive, but may look standardized and may not be full-featured.

3. List the typical features of a storefront.

Storefronts should allow for the presentation, selection and purchase of products.

4. What are some of the selection criteria for a software option?

The options are varied but include the features required by the customer base, the cost, the difficulty of implementation, and the difficulty of upkeep.

Answers to EC Application Case Questions

EC Application Case 12.1: Innovation and Creativity at


1. What were the opportunities and needs in the consumer market that inspired Bezos to create

There was a large market for books, but bookstores could not stock all options.  New (at the time) EC technologies made it possible to sell books online.

2. What factors, at both personal and business levels, led Bezos to his brilliant idea?


His experience in EC and evaluating Internet opportunities was coupled with interest risk taking.

3. Visit and find some of their recent innovations.

Student responses will change based on when they go to the site.

EC Application Case 12.2: Akamai Technologies


1. What services does Akamai provide?

They provide services that help Internet congestion through intelligent traffic controls.

2. What is the company’s revenue model?

Fees are charged for each data center in use.

3. What are the service’s limitations?

Traffic can be routed intelligently, but it does not increase available bandwidth.




1. Go to and examine the layout and features of the site. Is the site navigation effective?

The site appears to be very user-friendly.

2. is designed to help China’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Do you think the interface design is appropriate for nontechnical users?

Student opinions will vary, but the site is very straightforward.

3. Do the user communities of the website help to promote loyalty and trust of its users?

Yes, the addition of social elements should drive visits.

4. Comment on the use of color and graphics on the website.

Student opinions will vary,


EC Application Case 12.2: BAIDU’S SEARCH FOR SUCCESS


1. Baidu is nicknamed “China’s Google.” How is Baidu’s business model different from that of Google?

Baidu focuses on the Chinese market, Google has a global focus.

2. Baidu offers paid search placement. Do you think such website ranking services will promote unfair competition?

Student opinions will vary – this is similar to Google.

3. Baidu’s localization strategy (focus on Chinese language search engine service) is its biggest competitive advantage. Explain why.

By focusing on a limited customer base, the company is able to adapt its product to meet that groups needs specifically.  A global entrant will need to compromise options to fit a variety of tastes.

4. What lessons does the Baidu case offer to e-commerce startups and entrepreneurs?

It is possible to be successful competing against a large firm, especially with a focused strategy.

Answers to Discussion Questions

1. Compare and contrast setting up a traditional, brick-and-mortar business and an online business. Consider factors such as entrepreneurial skills, facilities and equipment, and business processes.

Both processes are similar in the planning phases with the exception of understanding unique online aspects.  Internet understanding is critical in the online business.  An off-line business obtains physical settings (storefront, fixtures, etc.) whereas an online business creates Web sites and systems.

2. How is an e-business plan different from a traditional business plan?

In e-business planning the major difference is the understanding of the unique aspects of the Internet and the sales channel.

3. Describe organizational transformation, and discuss some of the difficulties involved.

Organizational transformation is the process of changing an organization to be more competitive.  Student responses on the areas of difficulty will vary, but may include interpersonal issues and existing systems/processes.

4. How would you decide which Web site hosting option an online business should use? List and briefly explain factors to include in your decision.

Student answers will vary.  Criteria would include:
·       Service quality
·       Services offered
·       Price

5. Who should be on a Web site development team for a small business? For a large business?

Both teams should include involved stakeholders and experts in design/development.  External consultants may or may not be included.

6. Several times in this chapter online business owners are advised to gather competitive intelligence from competitors (e.g., in SEO, what sites link to competitor sites). Is this ethical? Why or why not?

Student answers will vary.  In almost all cases this information is in the public domain and it is generally considered ethical to use it.

7. Why is a store such as not economically feasible off-line?

It would be difficult to generate a consumer base for the niche products in any geographic region.

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using templates to build a storefront?

Advantages may include ease of use, quick production, improved quality (for novices) and expert support.  Disadvantages could include reduction of control, limited templates/customizations and a fixed feature set.

9. Yahoo! provides many services, including Web site hosting, storebuilding tools, and an online mall.  List the benefits of these services.  What are the drawbacks, if any?

Student answers will vary based on the perceived benefits. 

10. How is usability related to Web site design?

Website should be designed to maximize usability.  Usablity is important to ensure that the user can quickly and easily accomplish their goals at the site.  Good usability increases the chances that a user will stay longer and return in the future.

Topics for Class Discussion and Debates

1. Compare and contrast the creation of a new online business and the establishment of an online initiative in an existing company. Consider factors such as resource acquisition, startup processes, and competitor analysis.

Student opinions will vary.  The discussion will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of creating something new versus working within an established entity.

2. Discuss the logic of outsourcing the combined Web hosting and site construction. What are some of the disadvantages?

Student opinions will vary.  The debate will focus on the issues of ease versus control.

3. What are the trade-offs in giving the customer everything possible (e.g., personalized content, high-resolution graphics, a feature-full site) and the fundamental rules of Web design?

Student opinions will vary. The discussion will focus on how much is enough and diminishing marginal benefits.

4. What is a good time for entrepreneurial startups to go public? You may refer to the cases of (the closing case), Baidu (Case 12.4), and Facebook (th opening case) for your discussion.

Student opinions will vary.  Some responses are industry and economy specific.

5. Debate: Could the success of Facebook (the opening case), (Case 12.1), Baidu (Case 12.4), and (the closing case) be traced to the entrepreneurial attitudes of their founders? Would it be possible for other EC entrepreneurs to duplicate Zuckerberg, Bezos, Li, and Ma’s success on the strength of similar traits and characteristics?

Student opinions will vary.  The debate will focus on student perceptions of these founders.

6. Debate: Should a small business maintain its own website? Why or why not? Should a large business maintain its own website? Why or why not?

Student opinions will vary. The debate will focus on the issues of ease versus control.

Internet Exercises
(Note: URLs may change over time; please check the Internet Exercises on the Turban Web site for possible updates:

1. Go to the vFinance Capital ( and National Venture Capital Association ( sites and identify any trends or opportunities in acquiring start-up funding.

Student reports will vary based on the time of the report.

2. Go to a Yahoo! category such as tourist agencies or insurance companies and pick 10 sites. Rate them as informational, interactive, or transactional Web sites. Make a list of informational, interactive, or transactional features.

Student reports will vary based on the content selected.

3. Many individuals attempt to make a living simply by buying and selling goods on eBay. Visit and make a list of the ways in which these entrepreneurs use cross selling and up selling in their sales activities.

Student reports will vary based on the research.

4. Visit Webmaster Forums (, register (for free), and visit the Web site critique area. Compare the design rules offered in this chapter with some of the Web sites being offered for critique here. Offer at least one design suggestion to a Webmaster who is soliciting feedback.

Student reports will vary. Most rules are very similar.

5. Enter View the shopping cart demo. What features impress you the most and why? What related services does it provide? Compare it to and

Student reports will vary based on preferences.

6. Go to Examine their Traffic Blazer.  How can it help you with SEO?

Student reports will vary.  The site can help increase traffic and site optimization.

7. Enter  Examine their hosting, development, and other tools.  Take the Test Drive.  Compare it with services offered by Write a report.

Student reports will vary based on preferences.

8. Enter View its tutorials and comment on its usefulness to EC site builders.

Student reports will vary based on preferences.  The site provides a number of tools, but their effectiveness will be a function of how they might be used, and the alternatives available to a site owner.

9. Enter How does it help with site optimization? What other services does it provide?

Student reports will vary.  The site helps to evaluate and update site content to better match SEO trends.

10. Go to and find the services offered to buyers. Why is shopping here faster than in or Yahoo!?

Student answers will vary based on personal experience and opinion.  Google supports the idea that the reduction of clicks between selection and order result in faster shopping.

11. Enter and find its enterprise content management products. Write a report.

Student answers will vary based on the time of the report. 

12. Explore the Web to find five dedicated website hosting services. Compare them using the criteria listed in this chapter. Write a report based on your findings.

Student answers will vary based on the services evaluated.

Team Assignments and Role Playing

1. Assignment for the Opening Case
Read the opening case and answer the following questions.
a. Log on to Facebook ( and socialize on the website. Compare and contrast Facebook with other social networking sites such as MySpace, Friendster, Hi5, and LinkedIn.
b. Comment on the website design of Facebook.
c. Using Facebook as an example, discuss the revenue models of social networking sites.
d. What contributes to the exponential growth of Facebook’s user base over the past few years?
e. Do you think Facebook’s idea of opening up its inner workings to outside developers is a good idea?
f. Comment on Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to turn down acquisition offers from Microsoft and Google.
g. What are the merits and demerits of a startup going for an initial public offering (IPO)? What is a good time for Facebook to go public? (See the closing case and note the success of’s IPO in Hong Kong in 2007.)
h. What lessons does the Facebook experience offer to e-commerce startups and entrepreneurs?
i. Watch the video “Mark Zuckerberg Named Time ‘Person of Year’” ( Do you think Mark Zuckerberg deserves the award?

Student opinions and responses will vary.

2. Identify a product or service that is suitable for marketing on Facebook. Draft a promotion plan. Present your plan to the class.

Student opinions and responses will vary based on the product.

3. Enter Each team member should select two or three of the “browse topics” and relate it to online businesses. Make a presentation to the class.

Student opinions and responses will vary based on the topics used.

4. Enter Obtain a template and design a business plan for your class EC project.

Student opinions and responses will vary based on user experiences.

5. Form two teams, a client team and a Web design team. After suitable preparation, both teams meet for their first website planning meeting. Afterward, both teams critique their own and the other team’s performance in the meeting.

Student opinions and responses will vary.

6. Enter and download the SiteBuilder. As a team, build a storefront for your dream business. You can try it for free for 30 days. Use the design features available. Have visitors check out the site. The instructor and class will review the sites for design and usability. Awards will be given to the best stores. Alternatively, you may use the equivalent tools from eBay or

Student opinions and responses will vary.


1. has a strong commitment to assist small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in B2B e-commerce. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy?

It allows the company to focus on a certain group, but does not address other potential customers (like large businesses).

2. Compare and contrast the business model of with other B2B business models.

Comparisons will vary based on the other companies selected.

3. is creating and maximizing a “network effect” that helps attract users and expand business. How?

By creating a broad customer base, it is possible for members to benefit from the sheer size and capabilities of the network.

4. is a general type of e-commerce platform so it focuses on the horizontal coverage of specific industries. Does the horizontal coverage limit its vertical power?

This approach is consistent with Alibaba’s business model, of providing a wide variety.  Focusing on variety may hurt the company’s effectiveness in specific sub-markets.

5. What are the limitations of’s business in venturing beyond the Chinese boundaries?

It may be possible to replicate these successes outside of China, but it is also possible that some success is due to localization in China.

6. What lessons does the case offer to e-commerce startups and entrepreneurs?

It shows that a firm can specialize in a specific market and thrive.

Practice Test

1. From 1995 through 2000, many EC projects and start-up companies were funded with little analysis of their business viability or finances. 
A.    True
B.    False 
2. The result of the rush to invest in EC projects and start-up companies was the 2001 to 2003 "dot-com bust," when hundreds of EC startups went out of business and the stock market crashed. 
A.    True
B.    False 
3. After the dot-com bust, most IT executives acquired the knowledge and tools to do ROI calculations on proposed EC investments. 
A.    True
B.    False 
4. One reason why EC justification is needed is that companies now realize that EC is not necessarily the solution to all problems. 
A.    True
B.    False 

5. According to a CIO Insight report, EC justification decreases the credibility of EC projects. 
A.    True
B.    False 
6. One basic way to categorize different EC investments is to distinguish between investment in infrastructure and investment in specific EC applications. 
A.    True
B.    False 
7. Infrastructure investments are made for the short-term because of frequent technological changes. 
A.    True
B.    False 
8. Cost-benefit analysis is frequently assessed by return on investment (ROI), which is also the name of a specific method for evaluating investments. 
A.    True
B.    False 
9. All EC investments need to be formally justified to insure that they align with the company's competitive strategy. 
A.    True
B.    False 
10. Metrics are used to describe costs, benefits, or the ratio between them and need to be defined properly with a clear way to measure them. 
A.    True
B.    False 
11. Key performance indicators (KPI) are used to qualitatively track critical metrics or success factors. 
A.    True
B.    False 
12. Cannibalization occurs when a new EC initiative produces substantial online sales, but traditional sales fall such that no increase in total revenue occurs.  
A.    True
B.    False 
13. A major difficulty in justifying EC projects is that many costs and benefits are intangible and therefore very difficult to measure. 
A.    True
B.    False 
14. Creating a competitive advantage, providing a benefit to society, and improving the company's image are examples of tangible benefits that might be realized from an EC project.  
A.    True
B.    False 
15. In preparing the business case for EC investment, managers should examine the potential additional revenues, such as increased revenues via products or services from a larger global market because of more effective product marketing on the Web. 
A.    True
B.    False 

16. The ROI method uses a formula that divides the total net benefit by the initial cost. The result is a ratio that measures the ROI for each year or for an entire period. 
A.    True
B.    False 

17. In an NPV analysis, analysts convert future values of benefits to their present-value equivalents by discounting future cash flows at the risk-free rate set by the Federal Reserve Bank. 
A.    True
B.    False 

18. Given the diversity of activities involved in e-procurement, the metrics used to measure the value of e-procurement must reflect how well each process is accomplished and take into consideration whether the company is a buyer or seller. 
A.    True
B.    False 
19. The average cost curve of regular products is U-shaped and has an optimal lowest point, but with digital products the average cost per unit declines as quantity increases. 
A.    True
B.    False 
20. Usability testing refers to testing application software modules one at a time. 
A.    True
B.    False 
21. Unit testing refers to testing the combination of application modules acting in concert. 
A.    True
B.    False 

22. Interoperability refers to connecting people, data, and diverse systems. 
A.    True
B.    False 
23. Performance value is the likelihood a segment of source code can be used again to add new functionalities with slight or no modification. 
A.    True
B.    False 
24. The higher purchase price is a disadvantage of purchasing an EC system. 
A.    True
B.    False 
25. Vendors dropping a product or going out of business is a disadvantage to purchasing an EC system. 
A.    True
B.    False 
26. Turnkey computing is the provision of computational resources on demand via a computer network. 
A.    True
B.    False 

27. Reduced time-to-market is a cloud computing advantage. 
A.    True
B.    False 
28. New technologies require new organizational structures and procedures. 
A.    True
B.    False 
29. Reengineering eliminates the intermediaries between sellers and buyers. 
A.    True
B.    False 
30. Business process reengineering is the analysis and design of workflows and processes within an organization. 
A.    True
B.    False 
31. Structured management is a holistic management approach focused on aligning all aspects of an organization with the wants and needs of clients. 
A.    True
B.    False 
32. Mass customization enables manufacturers to create specific products for each customer based on the customer's exact needs. 
A.    True
B.    False 
33. Leveraging intangible assets, capabilities, relationships, and unleashing dormant assets is a critical success factor for EC. 
A.    True
B.    False 
34. Critical elements that can affect the value of EC across cultures are perceived trust, consumer loyalty, regulation, political influences, and even the content of online ads. 
A.    True
B.    False 

35. Developing economies often face power blackouts, unreliable telecommunications infrastructure, undependable delivery mechanisms, and a relatively few customers who own computers and credit cards. These limitations can be overcome when predicting EC investment payoffs by using a combination of break-even analysis and NPV. 
A.    True
B.    False 
 Chapter Test

1. Web site usability means that people who use the Web site can do so quickly and easily to accomplish their tasks and may also consider such factors as cost-effectiveness and usefulness.
A)   True
B)    False

2. Unlike the brick-and-mortar marketplace, the failure rate for online companies is low.
A)   True
B)    False

3.  Business process management systems monitor the execution of the business processes so that managers can analyze and change processes in response to data, rather than on just a hunch.
A)   True
B)    False

4. Insuring:
A)   connects people, data, and diverse systems.
B)    is the in-house development of applications.
C)    is a method of transferring the management and/or day-to-day execution of an entire business function to a third-party service provider.
D)   is a class of systems that integrates large systems.

5. Basic options for developing an EC Web site include each of the following except:
A)   lease the application.
B)    develop the site in-house.
C)    buy a packaged application.
D)   clone a competitor's Web site.

6. In organizational transformation:
A)   the change may affect only one or a few of the functional areas of the business.
B)    there is always a sharp break with the past and every aspect of the business will probably change.
C)    there are incremental changes to the ways things have always been done.
D)   there is a change in outlook, but rarely a change in procedures or investment in infrastructure.

7. Factors determining usability include:
A)   efficiency of use.
B)    memorability.
C)    ease of learning.
D)   all of the above.

8. Reprise Electronics, a conglomerate that manufactures and sells all kinds of electronic goods under several brand names, currently has separate Web sites for each of its brands. The company decides to bring all of the Web sites together through a single site that, in addition to providing links to the brand pages, will also provide general information about how to select electronic merchandise and informational pages about the Reprise Company today and its management team. This is an example of adding:
A)   a reverse auction.
B)    a portal.
C)    e-procurement.
D)   a Webstore.

9. Secondary content that offers a coupon, rebate, or special service is called:
A)   cross-selling.
B)    comment.
C)    promotion.
D)   up-selling.

10. The primary reason for writing a business plan is to:
A)   provide an operational framework for the business.
B)    provide strategic direction to employees.
C)    acquire external funding.
D)   help the founders remember what they are trying to accomplish.

11.  Syndicated content is Web content that matches the needs and expectations of the individual visitor.
A)   True
B)    False

12. Content creation and management for a large EC site can be slow and expensive.
A)   True
B)    False

13. A plan for organizing the underlying infrastructure and applications of a site best describes:
A)   IT architecture.
B)    IT infrastructure.
C)    business plan.
D)   EC architecture.

14. The process of selecting a software vendor and EC package includes each of the following except:
A)   establish a service-level agreement.
B)    determine the evaluation criteria.
C)    close vendor contract.
D)   evaluate vendors and packages.
15.  Outsourcing options for creating and operating EC applications include:
A)   software houses, such as IBM.
B)    telecommunications companies, such as MCI.
C)    outsourcers, such as EDS.
D)   all of the above.

16.   ________ is the name-based address that identifies an Internet-connected server.
A)   URL name
B)    Host name
C)    Domain name
D)   IP address

17.  When creating a new business, the first step is to:
A)   acquire financing needed to make the business successful.
B)    investigate all existing opportunities.
C)    identify a consumer or business need that is not presently being met.
D)   write a business case or plan.

18.  ________ is money invested in a business by an individual, a group of individuals, or a funding company in exchange for equity in the business.
A)   Advancement
B)    Venture capital
C)    Operating capital
D)   Start-up funding

19. The first step in creating a new company or adding an online project is to identify a consumer or business need in the marketplace.
A)   True
B)    False

20. Chaplin's Pet Store has been in business for many years. Chaplin, the present owner, decides to open an online sales channel where he can advertise and sell the same gourmet pet food. This is an example of adding:
A)   a portal.
B)    a Webstore.
C)    e-procurement.
D)   a reverse auction.

21. Which of the following is true regarding a second round of financing?
A)   The angel investor will pay the highest price per share.
B)    The venture capitalist will pay the highest price per share.
C)    The entrepreneur will pay the highest price per share.
D)   IPO investors will pay the highest price per share.

22. A major entertainment company has four studios that have been in the same location for more than ten years. The company includes a page on its Web site with addresses, phone numbers, and general e-mail addresses for each of these studios. None of this information has changed since the Web site was developed. This is an example of ________ content.
A)   dynamic
B)    functional
C)    static
D)   organizational

23. Disadvantages for using the off-the-shelf approach as an EC development strategy include:
A)   Software may not exactly meet the company's needs.
B)    Limited off-the-shelf software packages are available.
C)    The company must hire programmers specifically dedicated to an EC project.
D)   The vendor rarely updates the software.

24. Reviews, testimonials, expert advice, or further explanation about the product are called:
A)   up selling.
B)    comment.
C)    cross-selling.
D)   promotion.

25. A _________________ is a wealthy individual who contributes personal funds and possibly expertise at the earliest stage of business development.
A)   entrepreneur
B)    venture capitalist
C)    angel
D)   incubator

26. A______________ is a company, university, or nonprofit organization that supports promising businesses in their initial stages of development.
A)   entrepreneur
B)    venture capitalist
C)    angel
D)   incubator

27. The difference between a business plan and a business case is:
A)   all new businesses should have a business plan, but only existing businesses planning a major EC or IT initiative should develop a business case.
B)    business cases are brief and general, while business plans are long and detailed.
C)    a business case is a part of every business plan.
D)   all businesses need a business case, but only new businesses need a business plan.

28. The key difference between an e-business plan and a traditional business plan is that the entrepreneur must:
A)   understand all aspects of the technology required to implement the plan.
B)    understand that the Internet is a unique sales channel.
C)    understand that traditional rules do not apply when doing business on the Internet.
D)   develop a ten-year plan.

29. The greatest difficulty in dealing with venture capital is:
A)   finding the money a venture capitalist will require.
B)    the loss of control a venture capitalist demands.
C)    relocating the business to an incubator.
D)   finding a willing venture capitalist.

30. A__________________ Web site does little more than provide information about the business and its products.
A)   informational
B)    interactive
C)    transactional
D)   dynamic